

Mrs Victoria Harrall

Headteacher, SENDCo, DSL

NPQH, MA Inclusive Ed., P.G.Dip. Sp&L difficulties, BEd (Hons)

English, Science and PSHE Co-ordinator

Miss Hayley Canning

EYFS Classroom Teacher

Miss Canning teaches in the Reception class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

EYFS Co-ordinator

Mrs Jane Blackford

EYFS Class teacher

Mrs Blackford teaches in the Reception class on Thursday and Friday each week..

Geography and Music Co-ordinator

Miss Michele Clayton

Year 1 Teacher

Outdoor Education and Art Co-ordinator

Miss Chloe Timberlake

Year 2 Teacher

History Co-ordinator

Mrs Rachel Brooking

Year 3 Teacher

PE and MFL Co-ordinator

Mrs Abby Forster

Year 4 Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Maths Co-ordinator

Mrs Gemma Garbutt

Business Manager/Bursar

Mrs Anne Terry

Office Manager

Mrs Ashley Clifton


Mrs Debbie Comley


Mrs Kathy Wren


Mrs Victoria Stanford

HLTA, Clerk to Governors

Mrs Lee Batty

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lucilla Lo

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jo Molyneux

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mandeep Pooni

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Sharen Wealleans

Lunchtime Controller/ Teaching Assistant

Library Co-ordinator

Mrs Chloe White

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Diane Buckland


Mr Paul Craven

Lunchtime Controller

Mrs Hannah Lawrence

Lunchtime Controller

Mr Mike Brooking

Site Controller

Mr Barry Ambrose

Cleaner and Gardener

Mrs Shirley Ambrose
